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Currently The world is businessing with big data.

In the past, I mean a century before, big data was consciousness, product, book, as exemple. It was visible by anyone who can afford.

Now it´s still like before, but it´s also 01100010110001.And It´s located in data storage center

What does that mean?

That we dońt have direct access. We only have access to the transformed data. But do we like all the transformation done ? Personnaly no.

In my point of view, big data should be used to better understand the world and should help to build it better for the children of our children.

Let´s move into the future. In 2214: what would they say about our generation ?

Hippies want to change the world, by giving information access to the world. Steve Jobs sales computer and tab to the world. Google Facebook Amazon collect data from the world. What were the out comes of Big Data?

Money for sure. And it´s ok for me.

Science ? Information that help to better understand Human and better all live together? There is some out comes about that too.

But what about the ratio between money and free science ?

I think money is far away bigger.

That´s why in 2214, historical Scientist will say :

This part of history was the beginning of a radical change cause all the Life of one connected human was stored and analysed. Not for him, not by him, but by firm and mostly for money.

Connected people Life was splitted in several data center From several structure.

In 2113, big data world summit in South africa decided to connect all data server and provide data analyse system to end user in order to help people to better understand their own Life and well live with each orheŕs. This décision cames out because they understood and demonstrate that Many human talent and energy have been spoiled regarding earth and humanity needs.

Back to 2014, I would like to ask you questions : do you think & feel that you are using your skills and expérience in your day to day life ?

Do you think that you use your collaborators in accordance with their skills and expérience ?

Do you know that in 200 years WE will be measured about that?

Because they will have access to our entire Life which was not the case before our generation and they will mesure how efficient WE have been for our self.

And they will compare human efficiency in 2014 with machine efficiency in 2014...

Finaly, I hope big data will help firms to be more efficient, it´s important. And help people to be more efficient, happy, conscious about themselves and others. It´s essentiallity.


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